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Applying the right combination of nutrients produces outstanding greens and tees. MANNI-PLEX foliar nutrients were designed to deliver nutrition quickly and efficiently. Their small molecular size and weight helps get more nutrition into turf growth points for better results.
The gold standard of turf nutrition. Quickly supplies readily available N, Mg, Fe, Mn and Zn to turf
Proprietary formulation coats leaves and sticks to the surface, making nutrients available longer
Builds strong, healthy and vibrant turf
Enhances root mass and growth
Easy to Use -
Ready-to-use liquid formulation
Compatible with most fungicides, insecticides and PGR’s May applied using ground equipment, through fertigation or as a soil drench
Helps turf better withstand stress
Delivers consistent results
5-0-0 1.2%Mg, 2.85%Fe, 0.45%Mn, 0.65%Zn
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